06 October 2011


i am in a city again and it's...
exciting, scary, noisy, smelly and so much more.
i haven't been writing much here in the last 6 month. it's like i hit europe in april and that was it??
no more bloging?
but travelling, art making, travelling, flea market making, decluttering, rawfood making, learning, laughing, crying, travelling, moving...

we, my loved one and i moved to berlin with like 20 yesterday. i have no idea if i will get student support money for my last semster, we have no jobs but we moved anyway
why??? maybe because we like change and new things keep you young but despite the new challenges this is my call to the universe!

 let us find a way to overcome the obstacles on our way. send us more wisdom and truth. send true people our way, who are following their heart.
all our senses are activated. help us to use them well.


1 comment:

  1. Markus Rothkranz:
    The Universe helps those that help themselves, not those that want to be served, babied and nursed.
    Wanting people to feel sorry for you will only result in the opposite.
    Stop waiting. Live as if no one is ever going to help you. That is freedom.
