08 September 2013

The Rainbow Farmer and Pictures form the Past

Pictures from the past!

Heirloom Apples in the Old Land near Hamburg, Germany

Finkenwerder Autumn Prince

Lemon Apple
Schöner von Boskopp

These pictures where part of my pre-graduation exhibition in 2008 called
'Search for the Finkenwerder Autumn Prince'.

Since my raw vegan journey begun in 2010 I've talked about my apple exhibition a lot,  but haven't shared/shown much of it.

So much of my art is only data on my hard drive.
Pictures in folders.

I can't repeat the past!
But I didn't only made art for myself or my professors back in art school;)

My Master Exhibition was about Raw Foods and Healing and i enjoyed the process of setting up The Institute for Health and Happiness.

Old Car workshop where i set up my Exhibition
The Institute for Health and Happiness.

the inside of the institute

Objects i've found or purchased on my travels over the years.
I love being in the wilderness and the happiest when i can call nature my home.
Nature has always been my refuge. 
friends looking at pictures: "dull and dead - colorful and alive"

friends watching video work about dr. clement 


objects from nature and people in nature

picture of a a holy cebo tree and wheatgrass

mother and daughter

" everything you want is probably outside your comfort zone otherwise you would have it already"
Jack Canflied

What am i sharing now?
My life is also my art and i am sharing what i explore and how i am (a) being!
How i am evolving!

While reading my friend Aimee's Blog post on The Rainbow Farmer.
I realized that am still hiding on so many levels!
I might hide less then before, but it's like i am a tide spiral. Ready for the sun light;)
(Aimee's words)

I started studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) beginning of this year with the goal to built a career as a Health Coach.  To make enough money to travel and to live in a warm climate all year round. I am moving forward to pursue this goal.

When i attended the IIN live Conference in may, exactelly one year after my exhibition 'The Institute for Health and Hapiness'  I ended up wearing a button that said I AM AN AMBASSADOR FOR HEALTH AN HAPPINESS.

I knew, that i am at the right place and that i can trust in the PROCESS.
You can have an idea but you never really know how it all unfolds.

Currently I am in the planing of my first retreat. The beautiful Jenee Hallick aka fruitygypsy and my wonderful mother Karin Domogalla will be part of this Sisterhood adventutre.

My friend Beate Epp, owner of Casa Axis Mundi will open her doors for a WOMEN EPOWER WOMEN retreat in Mexico in December.
Next week I will post more information about the retreat on my website

From my heart to yours*
Love and delight

The destination is just the reason to focus so that you can have the journey.- Abraham-Hicks