21 October 2010

another hint

christian opitz, ernährung für mensch und erde
grundlagen einer neuen ethik des essens
isbn 3-929 475-07-3

christian opitz was born in Berlin, germany in 1970. at age five, his IQ was found to be one of the highest ever measured and at age six, he began to study physics and biochemistry. in 1983, he was diagnosed with a disease doctor’s labeled incurable, which compelled him to direct his focus on holistic healing. over the next years, christian opitz developed a new integrative theory of health based on quantum physics and fractal mathematics. In 1989, he began a successful career as an author, lecturer, and inventor of health products. he has since developed a groundbreaking new approach called "original radiance health systems", which integrates live food nutrition, whole brain functioning and depth psychology. christian opitz is on board of the directors of "project theo humanity", which provides new, mature paradigm of emotional healing and spiritual enfoldment and is also involve in various environmental projects.

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